About the Conference
April 20, 2024 at the Harvard Science Center
1 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138
Hosted by Harvard Undergraduate OpenBio Laboratory and MIT BioMakers in partnership with student-led organizations around the world, the Future of Biology Conference provides a platform for  students to engage with one another and advance their knowledge of biology through keynote addresses, panel discussion, collaborative workshops, and transformative mentorship opportunities.
Through this experience, we hope to inspire a community of young scientists and help develop meaningful connections across the world. Join us as we embark on this journey to empower the future of biology!

To maximize accessibility and outreach, this conference will be held in-person with a virtual component, with an audience of primarily undergraduate and graduate participants from around the world.
Registration is now open!

Register Here
Event Schedule

  9:00AM - 9:30AM  
  Registration in SC Central Atrium
  9:30AM - 10:15AM     Keynote #1 in SC Hall D ft. George Church, Ph.D.
  10:30AM - 11:30AM     Workshop Session in SC 105, 109, 413
  11:30AM - 12:00PM     Lunch Break in SC Cabot Cafe
  12:15PM - 1:00PM      Keynote #2 in SC Hall D ft. Reshma Shetty, Ph.D
  1:15PM - 2:00PM     Expert Panel in SC Hall D ft. Drs. Abudayyeh, Berry, Gootenberg, Raman
  2:15PM - 3:00PM     Poster & Networking Session in SC Central Atrium & Cabot Cafe
Keynote Speakers
George Church, Ph.D.
Robert Winthrop Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Reshma Shetty, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Chief Operations Officer, Ginkgo Bioworks
Panel Speakers
Andrew Berry, Ph.D.
Assistant Head Tutor of Integrative Biology and Lecturer on Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University
Ritu Raman, Ph.D.
MIT Brit (1961) and Alex (1949) d'Arbeloff Career Development Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Omar Abudayyeh, Ph.D.
McGovern Institute Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PI at the AbuGoot Lab
Jonathan Gootenberg, Ph.D.
McGovern Institute Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PI at the AbuGoot Lab
Conference Sponsors
The 2024 Future of Biology Conference would not be possible with the support of our generous sponsors.
1517 Fund
We thank 1517 Fund for their kind support of the Harvard OpenBio Laboratory.
Harvard MCB Department
We thank the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University for their kind donation towards our poster session at the Future of Biology Conference.
2024 OpenBio Conference
About University
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Safe to say you will be part of the history created at University. Our alumni have lived the best of their lives here. Here’s what they had to say.
It is almost impossible to not like the welcoming nature of University. University has taken me on a self-realizing journey over the four year program. I was an exchange student from X university, and I ended up learning a lot from University.
Mary Jane
Project Manager at Walmart
University has taken me on a self-realizing journey over the four year program. I was also truly amazed by the fact that the laboratory facilities here and this will always be my second home.
Ben Parker
Research Assistant at XYZ
I was an exchange student from X university, Germany and I have to appreciate the hospitality of the people of University. It is almost impossible to not like the welcoming nature of University.
May White
Product Developer at ABC
It is almost impossible to not like the welcoming nature of University. University has taken me on a self-realizing journey over the four year program. I was an exchange student from X university, and I ended up learning a lot from University.
Mary Jane
Project Manager at Walmart
University has taken me on a self-realizing journey over the four year program. I was also truly amazed by the fact that the laboratory facilities here and this will always be my second home.
Ben Parker
Research Assistant at XYZ
I was an exchange student from X university, Germany and I have to appreciate the hospitality of the people of University. It is almost impossible to not like the welcoming nature of University.
May White
Product Developer at ABC